We're away for a short break, new orders will be dispatched Monday 10th February.

We're away for a short break, new orders will be dispatched Monday 10th February.


Monitor Audio RS6 / RS8 Upgrades

RS6 / RS8 tweeter upgrade

The excellent Monitor Audio RS6 / RS8 can be effectively upgraded by replacing the tweeter with the Morel Elite Series ET448:

 Morel ET448 frontMorel ET448 side

The ET448 is a very sweet and smooth sounding tweeter with the added benefit of a replaceable dome /  voice coil assembly.

This is a straight forward replacement requiring minimal work. Other Monitor Audio speakers of the same era using the far eastern Gold CAM tweeter can also benefit from this modification.

We have also developed some crossover modifications to bring out the very best performance from this upgrade.

Click on the images for full details of this tweeter.

Full details of Morel Loudspeaker Technologies below:


Willys-Hifi Ltd - the specialist UK loudspeaker parts company
