All systems go ! miniDSP UMIK-1 back in UK stock.

All systems go ! miniDSP UMIK-1 back in UK stock.



Accuton P220 Passive Radiator

8.5 inch Aluminium mass adjustable passive radiator.

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The Accuton P220 is an adjustable high end passive radiator and is an ideal partner for the C220 range of drive units. Features include an aluminium cone, rigid multi branch chassis and large maximum excursion of ± 5.5mm.

Adjustable mass tuning is accomplished by adding / removing stainless steel weight discs giving a possible resonance range of between 20Hz - 60Hz.

The stated nominal resonance frequency of the passive radiator is taken at 3mm excursion to give a realistic value.

Here's a formula to calculate the resonant frequency :

Fres= sqrt[1/(Cms corr.) x Mms x 4 pi^2)]  with  Cms corr.= 1/[(1/Cms) + 1/((Vb/Vas) x Cms)]  ... phew! :0)

Key Features:

  • Rigid aluminium alloy diaphragm
  • 220mm multi branch chassis with protective grille
  • Mass adjustable for optimised tuning
  • Long throw max. 11mm

Basic Parameters:

    Resonant frequency (fs) 41Hz DC resistance (Re) -
    Mechanical  Q factor (Qms) - Power handling -
    Electrical Q factor (Qes) - Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) -
    Total Q factor (Qts) - Chassis diameter 220mm
    Equivalent volume (Vas) 26.5L Cutout diameter 191mm

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